Prayer Framework
The paramount instruction for 'The First 100 Days'? Pray pray pray pray pray pray pray pray pray pray pray pray pray pray pray pray pray pray pray pray pray pray pray pray pray pray pray pray pray pray pray pray pray pray pray pray pray pray pray pray pray pray pray pray pray pray pray pray pray pray pray pray pray pray pray pray pray pray pray pray pray pray pray pray pray pray pray pray pray pray pray pray pray pray pray pray pray pray pray pray pray pray pray pray pray pray pray pray pray pray pray pray pray pray pray pray pray pray pray pray pray pray pray pray pray pray pray... and pray in the Spirit!
While this is in no wise a comprehensive prayer compendium, it will provide a framework from which you may build and construct your own vital daily prayer focus during these 100 days.
We are praying...
Always initiate a fast with a season of repentance. Allow the Lord to use the afflicting of your soul to bring things to the fore. Elements of your character, your nature, your habits, your patterns, sin, shortcomings. This is not a time of condemnation, but a time where God reveals to us the things in our lives that are not pleasing to Him, and supplies the opportunity to repent for engaging in those things, and the spiritual energy and activity to shift and transform them toward better life direction.
Also, since we are consecrating or fasting from food, repent for the abuses your natural lifestyles have imposed on your bodies and say yes to purpose, and all it requires spiritually, physicially, and emotionally.
Pray That the Lord will use this time to supply each of us with apostolic and global vision.
Pray That our mental faculties will be submitted and governed by the Holy Spirit. That your mind will be the servant of your recreated spirit.
Pray To amplify, and to bring clarity and accuracy to the verbal, mind, and power gifts.
Pray To receive the revelation of world events that you will be a voice and an answer in an increasingly tumultuous time.
Pray To model, example, and to experience the 'every' blessing, the 'every' and 'all' grace, and the 'nothing', meaning nothing shall by any means harm you! Eph. 3:20/Luke 10:19
Embracing the Fast:
Attitude and Disposition!
Phil. 4:13 KJV I can do all things through Christ which strengtheneth me.
Phil. 4:13 AMP I can do all things [which He has called me to do] through Him who strengthens and empowers me [to fulfill His purpose—I am self-sufficient in Christ’s sufficiency; I am ready for anything and equal to anything through Him who infuses me with inner strength ...
I feel for what God has called me to, that this level of consecration is mandatory and essential. And not only as an individual ministry gift, the Church has never been more anemic and absent of power. This level of fasting and prayer will begin to empower the Church globally to manifest supernatural exploits - as well as possess a much needed prominence, superiority, and dominance in the area of finance, properties, inventions, and creative ideas and discoveries.
Following are some dispositional insights that will minister a grace to you as you embark upon this spiritual endeavor.
1. Announce and herald that you are going from the start to the finish (whenever you choose to begin) with joy, celebration, and expectation.
2. Do this, and the 'all things" without murmuring or complaining.
3. Study to be quiet, silence your soul from the noise, clamoring, idle words, and unproductive speak so that you will be able to hear what the Spirit of the Lord is saying.
4. Make your excuses irrelevant. Don't give yourself a way out. Determine in your heart that you are dedicating this time to the Lord, and JUST DO IT! :)
5. Eliminate declarations of failure from your life, "Well, I may not make it until the end, but I'll try!" or "This is so hard, I would just DIE for a cup of coffee." Trust me, you will live without your morning java, and after eating the Daniel fast for 100 days, there will be some foods you will simply lose the taste for and to which you will never return.
6. Remove yourself from enablers, those people you know will encourage you to 'give yourself a break'. Or who will say, 'does it really take all that?'
7. This is NOT a work of the flesh. It is an activity of the spirit. Do not become self-righteous or religious. Allow these perimeters to take on an individual and organic expression in your life. Don't make a religion out of this, God is using this work to purify our spirits, not to make sure we look selfie-ready by April 10!
8. Tell the Holy Spirit you give Him permission to purge your passions, submit your will, and redirect your desires during this 100 days. It is a work to bring the flesh into the full expression of the Holy Spirit.
9. Fasting is designed to escort us into the realms of the exceeding, abundantly, and the above all we can ask or think in prayer.
10. Fasting is to bring us into our individual responsibility of global awareness. Meaning, our fast is not just to become better versions of ourselves, but to make ourselves available for God to use and to employ as He continues to make manifest His will in the earth.
11. If you are in an active marital relationship, I believe where possible, the consent of both parties is the wisdom of the Lord.
A Diligent Search
One of the ongoing experiences that I share about when I am fasting and praying is just how reflective, sober, and contemplative I become. That's one of the bi-products of afflicting your soul. The energy you once had in pursuing your own preferences, appetites, and desires is now being employed toward spiritual things. Your entire perspective shifts!
During the 100 days, you should be looking at your daily pursuits through a different lens, and asking yourself:
Is this what I should be doing?
Is this the best use of my time, my talent, my energy, and my finances?
Is this advancing me towards purpose?
Why am I doing this?
Why am I participating in this?
Why am I looking at this?
Why am I going there?
Why am I calling and texting him or her?
Why am I watching this or reading that?
Why am I gossiping or being used to proliferate information about people, places, and things that are none of my business and don't pertain to my purpose?