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Very unique, very difference, very original, very refreshing, and very, very, very anointed. Very.


As a pastor and leader of many years, when I met Apostle Lynn'Da Threat, I knew under no uncertain terms that there was much more for us as a ministry, but I had no idea how to even begin, let alone lead the people along into the more of God.

Through the last year and a half, bringing us to this most current fast, I feel that having such intensive exposure to this level of ministry, and a ministry gift of this caliber, I am finally receiving the training, the equipping, and the exploration of my gifts and anointing that I never received before.

My wife and I now lead united, together, in covenant and in gratitude of all Apostle has poured into each of us, individually, and corporately. Each of us, and our ministry, are stronger and more enduring than ever. Our services are filled with the anointing and the power of God, and we are growing and expanding into new assignments and exciting new ministerial opportunities. What will the rest of the 100 days bring!?

Apostle Calvin

Apostle Threat: It has been a privilege to serve the magnitude of the gift of God in you!  Apostle, you have laid down your life for the world! As I thought of my serve, there was a very brief moment I saw your vulnerability. When the Lord allowed me to see that brief moment of vulnerability, I prayed on your behalf for continued safety and protection by your personal warring angels. The vulnerability meant to me that you had to allow yourself be open and trust someone else to care for your personal needs. I have never had the opportunity to serve such a dimensional gift.

It has been my pleasure to serve you Apostle! You have shown me a spiritual level of serving that I have never seen or experienced before! I thought I was good at serving in the world, but it was all natural and I missed the spiritual aspect. I moved, but not immediately, I was not submitted, I worked without doing the serve “as unto the Lord”!  I believe a lesson well learned for me! Thank you again!

When I requested Wednesday, January 3rd off, Thursday 4th (my regular day off), I didn’t know God had assigned this serve for me from the foundation of the world!  The only plans I had was attending prayer service. As I saw everyone leave, one by one, I know it was my assignment to serve! I am blessed that God had other plans for me and I was available, willing and ready to fulfill his desires for you Apostle and myself.  My leaders were very pleased that I was available to step in! So was I!


I have never witnessed such transparency in a ministry gift, even though Apostle Lynn'Da Threat is so incredibly anointed, she brings the truth of God within reach with a clarity and an equipping that leaves us all capable of reaching new heights!



What I appreciate is the purity of the gift. There is no wrong intention, no alternative motive, from the moment ministry begins, the sole purpose is to equip the people of God.



I have been changed, to the point that I don't really even remember the person that I was. I have grown, I have matured, I have been stretched in my faith walk. I thank God for the accuracy of the gifts of the Spirit that operate in Apostle Lynn'Da Threat's life and how the Holy Spirit used her to target in on some really important areas in my life that needed growth and development.



Though not a member of New Generation, I avail myself to every opportunity to attend when Apostle is in our region, from the early morning prayer to the evening services. I have never in my entire life been exposed to such revelation and been witness to such immediate change. She is a God-send.



The jolting, intensity of the targeted word of the Lord that is in her mouth is breathtaking. When the Lord is ministering through her, its a truth your spirit has always known, but that you have never heard before.

Gerald and May


The Lord has blessed me with some incredible gifts in life, but they were ungoverned, untrained, and left to operate however I wanted to use them. Apostle Lynn'Da Threat has taught me how to bridle my gift so that it reaches the true height of its calling UNDER THE SUBMISSION of the Holy Spirit. And the greatest blessing of this is how much more powerful the impact is that the Lord can now have through me. I have longed for this all my life.



She’s all that! Not only an apostle, a mother, friend, sister, disciplinarian, through her ministry, I have discovered what true shepherding is, and I have learned to experience the love of God through her consistent and continual care!


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